Chip Bell


  • Business Growth
  • Leadership
  • Client Relationshipsal Training

Talent Inquiry

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About Chip Bell

Elevate the Commitment: Attaining extraordinary levels of customer loyalty is simple – but not easy. It starts with a unified commitment by everyone in the organization. Chip Bell shows people how to play their part – by imagining innovative ways to turn customers into raving fans who help drive business growth.

Once is Not Enough: Bell’s impact on audiences is nothing short of extraordinary: 85 percent of the groups who hear him bring him back one or more times. Always customer-focused, Bell customizes his presentations to meet your needs, making himself available for pre-event phone calls to better understand your business and organizational needs.

Pen To Paper: Considered the authority on customer loyalty Bell writes regularly for business journals, national newspapers and magazines, and has written or co-authored 16 books on customer issues, including several best sellers: Service Magic, Managing Knock Your Socks Off Service, Customer Love; Customers as Partners; and his latest, Magnetic Service: Secrets for Creating Passionately Devoted Customers.

Action Tactics: Bell gets to the heart of the issue. He reveals the best practices from organizations leading the customer loyalty charge. Most important – these ideas and strategies can be put into practice the minute people walk out the door.
A Great Conference Opener or Closer

“High energy and humorous” are two words used by every audience that hears Chip Bell. If this is the tone and style you’d like your meeting to start with and/or end with, you are in for a treat. Chip’s personal and personalized style leaves audiences with enthusiasm and inspiration–ready to engage others

Sustain the Message After the Meeting: Learn about Chip Bell’s Impact Channel option which shows people how to apply “Magnetic Service” principles to their organization. Reinforce your meeting’s message and effect real change by helping Chip Bell’s ideas take root.
For more information about Dr. Bell’s training series Managers as Mentors Online,

Business Growth through Remarkable Service
It is no accident that most of the 2007 Business Week Customer Service Elite companies grew profits in excess of 20% this year. These companies know that remarkable service leads to business growth. They also recognize great customer service can trump price, product and location in the customer’s new definition of marketplace value. The Elite execute remarkable service through up-to-date customer intelligence, a purposeful service strategy, customer-centric metrics that insure focus, standards that promote consistency, service forensics able to repair hiccups before they disappoint customers, and a people plan that has effective leadership as its centerpiece. The execution formula produces devoted customers imperative to enhancing business growth and/or unit reputation. Based on Dr. Chip Bell’s cutting-edge research and forthcoming book, Customer Loyalty Guaranteed, this provocative, high-energy session reveals the tactics essential to creating business growth through remarkable service.

Service Innovation: Re-igniting the Customers’ Experience for Bottom-Line Impact
What do Cabela’s, NetFlix, Build-A-Bear, Enterprise Rent-a-car, Progressive Insurance and FedEx have in common…other than incredible business growth? They all have created or reinvented the way customer service was delivered to customers in their industry. Remarkable service requires a perpetual pursuit of new and unique ways to make the customers’ experience sparkly, but consistent; enriching, but profitable. And business growth is the name of the game. It means thinking differently like a service inventor with a bottom-line bias. It is discovering the service version of the “free prize” inside the Cracker Jack box. This lively, hands-on session draws from Dr. Chip Bell’s 20+ years consulting with many of the major companies deemed to be the world’s best service innovators. Attendees leave with countless cutting edge techniques and a head full of ideas for either reinventing or re-igniting the service experience they deliver to customers.

Leading Customer LoyaltyMakers™
Remarkable service can occur without great leadership; all organizations have associates who work to give great service simply out of the belief that customers deserve their best. But to ensure distinctive service happens consistently across an organization requires the guiding hand of skilled, passionate leaders. Look behind the scenes of organizations renowned for remarkable service—the ones with true business growth, not just growth through acquisitions. You will find leaders whose behaviors and practices nurture the spirit to serve. Based on Dr. Chip Bell’s forthcoming book, Customer Loyalty Guaranteed, attendees gain insights, instruction and the incentive to lead associates in delivering loyalty-creating service. Framed around a practical formula and laced with riveting great examples, this session can jump start leaders’ passion and reset their practices for transforming mediocre service into sustainable remarkable service.

Clients as Partners: Building Profitable Professional Relationships That Last
Distinctive service in the professional world can be vastly different than the approach used by a merchant to win a consumer. For the business-to-business world and/or in the space of sophisticated products or specialized expertise, the path to success is a long term, profitable relationship. When clients feel like valued partners in a power-free relationship, their expectations are more realistic, they are more forgiving of mistakes, more ardent advocates, and their economic investment in the firm or organization deepens. Loyalty research convincingly demonstrates that the longer a client remains with an organization the greater their impact on business growth. Dr. Chip Bell’s insightful, fresh program provides audiences with provocative, yet practical tools, tips and techniques for building profitable client relationships that last.

Creating a High Performance Service Team
Customer service rarely happens without the support of units far from the frontline. Likewise, customer loyalty is built on valued experiences that are created through seamless handoffs, superb inter-unit and between unit communication, and a shared vision. It is the type of flawless execution that is characteristic of a great symphony, a superb racing pit crew, or a world-class surgical team. Drawing from many years of research on high performance teams and applied to the unique requirements for remarkable service, Dr. Chip Bell’s powerful session arms attendees with riveting case examples, easy-to-apply techniques, and the renewed zeal to work collaboratively. Organizations with skillful teamwork enjoy greater efficiency and productivity yielding higher profits, lower costs and improved business growth. The session can be a fast-acting antidote to silo thinking, bureaucratic bottlenecks, and internally focused practices.

Help Your Front Line Deliver A Service Experience You Can Be Proud Of
First and last impressions of every service experience are delivered to customers by front line employees. It’s those employees that most need up-to-date training. Chip Bell not only inspires front line personnel by reminding them of the value of their ambassador role – he also gives them practical tips for those moments when service delivery can be most challenging. Front line employees leave his memorable presentations excited, empowered, and ready to create remarkable experiences for customers.

“Pre-Season” Customer Service Refresher
Every sport has a pre-season where veteran athletes refresh their fundamentals and renew their tactics. Regularly reinforce your organization’s service vision and rekindle your employees’ preparation and passion for extraordinary customer commitment. While everyone knows what to do and how to do it – people just get too busy. This powerful wake-up call can reinforce the basics and remind employees of their importance in creating passionately devoted customers.

Unleash and Transfer the Wisdom of Your Leaders
Too often valuable know-how is lost when your leaders leave or change roles. Mentoring is a vital skill for all your employees, especially for your leaders. Progressive leaders help their associates get smart, not just get ahead. Chip Bell drives this point home using practical examples and best practices from leaders and organizations famous for coaching competence. His pragmatic recipe for everyday one-to-one mentoring has helped thousands of leaders communicate valuable wisdom and skills to their associates.

Set the Tone for Organizational Change
Retooling your organization to meet rising customer requirements can sometimes be met with resistance. Chip Bell sets the tone to ensure your message is delivered to enthusiastic ears. He tailors his talk to every audience from delivering convincing evidence to executives, to supplying encouraging strategies to managers, to providing new how-to tips to front line employees. Chip can turn your doubters into willing advocates and your fence-sitters into spirited fans.

Leading the Quest for Customer Devotion
Customers see your unit or organization through the attitudes and practices of employees they encounter. Bottom line, a consistent customer experience takes service leadership! Service leaders need not be charismatic and charming to be effective. However, there are specific leadership tasks required for consistent and remarkable service across organization. Using compelling examples, solid research, humorous delivery, and cutting-edge ideas, leaders learn concrete ways to release employee passion, encourage boldness, and reinvent problem processes. Audiences are guaranteed to leave ready and able to get their associates engaged, enthused, and eager to give unforgettable, magnetic service.

Make “Partnership” Your Theme
Customer dazzlement can be a great goal, but a dead-end street! As organizations seek to “wow” the customer, standards climb and the customer looks for yet another “blow my mind” tactic. There is a more powerful approach to long-term customer loyalty: customer partnerships. When customers feel like partners, they are more forgiving of mistakes, their economic investment in the organization deepens, and they champion the organization to others. This insightful, fresh program will provide your audience with provocative, yet practical tools, tips and techniques for building customer relationships that last.

A Commitment to Internal Customers
Customers just aren’t external – they’re internal, too. And internal customers are just as important as external customers in building a reputation of remarkable service. Ensuring exceptional internal customer service improves performance, productivity, effectiveness and it increases your revenue. Chip lays the groundwork and provides the techniques for delivering exceptional internal customer service.

Renewing the Passion for Customers
Downsizing and reorginizations have robbed colleagues of colleagues, leaving the survivors hollow. And the desire for razor-thin margins has too often put short term profits at center stage and long term partnerships in the cheap seats. As the soul of the organization is put in the vise of profit, the positive spirit of workers gets squeezed out. And, because of employee apathy or indifference, customers can end up experiencing customer service that is either boring or bad. Chip can provide your leaders with principles and practices for turning lethargy in energy. Learn new tools for renewing a passion for customers while still focusing on running a profitable operation.

Comments for Chip Bell:
“During my 15 years with Verizon Wireless, I’ve listened to dozens of keynote speakers talk about attracting and retaining loyal customers. I thought I had heard just about every tip out there; however, I walked away from your discussion equipped with a whole new set of tools. Chip truly differentiates himself from other speakers by presenting information that appears – on the surface – as obvious in a fresh, enlightening manner.” – Verizon Wireless

“Chip was terrific. He was energetic and he kept the audience engaged. It was also clear that he was extremely knowledgeable on the subject matter and that he did his homework on our company. Much thanks.” – Watson Wyatt
“Chip was an extraordinary addition to our meeting. He did an exceptional job integrating what he learned about us into his customer as partner framework. There is no question that McGraw-Hill will be interested in having him as a speaker in the future.” – McGraw-Hill
“Not only was he a hit during his session – he entertained us during our breaks playing the piano. We were very pleased with Chip and WSB.” – Lockheed Martin

“I will condense all of the feedback for Chip Bell into one word: WOW! Chip set the tone for the entire conference with his high-energy presentation style and “bulls eye” content. Our members left the conference, three days after Chip presented, still talking about his opening keynote. What a pro!” – Service Support Professional Association (SSPA)

“Dr. Bell engaged an audience of successful Merrill Lynch financial consultants in an entertaining and thought-provoking presentation of how to go beyond world class service and build long-term “partnership relationships” with their customers.” – Merrill Lynch