Gene Anderson


  • Magician
  • Comedian

Talent Inquiry

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About Gene Anderson

Gene Anderson creates so much magic and laughter that wherever he appears he is in danger of becoming a one-man epidemic of fun. A newspaper reporter wrote, “He does more with a newspaper than a kennel full of Great Dane pups!” That’s true, but there’s a whole lot more than that! Today Gene is a world-renowned magician having performed all over the USA and in twenty other countries on six continents. Gene’s performance, combining jaw-dropping magic and his infectious humor, is the perfect addition to any banquet or meeting. He is the acknowledged master of newspaper magic; you’ll never look at your Sunday edition in the same way again! Gene also features such unlikely objects as ropes, eggs and even a sink stopper; this joyous funster is no boring, “Is that a coin behind your ear?” magician! His show involves delightful audience participation pieces, but he’s always careful to provide the laughs with absolutely no embarrassment to his helpers! From his earliest shows Gene realized that laughter is magical all by itself, and using his twinkling and often impish sense of humor he skillfully weaves laughter at all levels into his performance. In fact, when he’s not doing magic, he’s likely to be on the road presenting one of his highly acclaimed presentations, “Life is too important to be taken seriously,” which teaches business people how to use humor to improve their creativity, health and well-being. In the esoteric world of magicians Gene is regularly booked to perform, emcee and lecture at international magicians’ conventions. His ability to make all of these demanding tasks look easy is almost magical in and of itself! This multi-talented man of many faces is guaranteed to delight and thrill any audience, anywhere, any time! Add Gene Anderson to your event and you’ll be adding more fun than you could ever imagine!