Jeff Magee


  • Leadership
  • Motivation
  • Team Building
  • Conflict Resolution
  • Strategic Planning

Talent Inquiry

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About Jeff Magee

Dr. Jeffrey Magee knows performance! He started Jeff Magee International after 20 years of hands-on experience in business, and has earned almost every professional designation available in the business world today. By age 25, he was the #1 salesman in the nation for a Fortune 500 firm and the youngest certified sales instructor in the world for Dale Carnegie.
Jeff Magee has taken his frontline experience to the marketplace where he presents over 100 programs each year, all over the world. He currently designs and presents leadership and sales courses taught at Pfizer Pharmaceuticals, Clear Channel Entertainment, GMAC, Western CPE, El Paso Energy, the senior officer corps of the US Army National Guard and the US Junior Chamber of Commerce.

  • Background
    Started his first marketing firm while in junior high school and later sold it to a Fortune 100 company.
  • Had more than 1000 articles published before graduating high school as well as having interviewed Ronald Reagan and Dr. Seuss with articles appearing in USA Today.
  • Youngest certified Dale Carnegie Sales Instructor in the world by age 24.
  • Rated number one salesman in the nation by a Fortune 500 Firm by age 25.
  • Author of the number one selling graduate level managerial text in 2000, Yield Management
  • McGraw-Hill Internationally Published Author of the Sales Training Handbook

Awards & Acclaim

  • One of less than 20 individuals worldwide who hold both Certified Speaking Professional (CSP) and Certified Management Consultant (CMC) professional designations.
  • Guest faculty member at WEST POINT on leadership.
    Invited to speak on business topics at more than 100 college campuses.
  • Awarded the Sigma Delta Chi Award for Journalism Excellence by the Society of Professional Journalists, (the Pulitzer Prize is the only print journalism award more prestigious).
  • President of the Alumni Board of Directors for a leading Midwest University.
  • President of the Oklahoma Speakers Association 3 terms “Professional Speaker of the Year”- National Speakers Association, Midwest Chapter, two years in a row.

Author & Creator of

  • Performance™ Magazine – National Performance Improvement Publication with columns from NY Times Best Selling Authors and other Training Experts
  • The first book on Generational Leadership – effectively Leading and Managing in environments that consist of people of different ages
  • Designer of the Army National Guard’s National Leadership Effectiveness and Sales Recruiter Programs – “the most results oriented program they have ever had”
  • Designed the core coaching and team building training curriculums for Career Track Seminars, SkillPath Seminar and Fred Pryor Seminars.
  • 20 books on Sales and Leadership-Management Effectiveness
    Five performance-oriented audio series and two videos sold internationally
  • Founded a leading E-based training company


The Leadership Alternative
Because there is no single managerial-leadership style that works in every situation, you will learn how to utilize alternative styles with each interaction to achieve maximum results and stimulate maximum performance in everyone around you.

Building a Legendary Leader
The impact you have on individuals and organizations after you leave is your legacy. Legendary leadership traits ensure that your legacy will be positive, productive, and profitable by leading strategically and using effective succession planning models.

Coaching for Impact
Learn how to engage the Five Core Generational Segmentations (age groups) in today’s workplace via a 5-Factor Coaching Dialogue. In addition, identify which of the 6-Leadership-Coaching styles lead to an improved performance level in any situation.

Beyond WOW
The Service-Leadership Approach to exceptional customer service is an explosive new behavior based skill program. You will be exposed to a new level of customer service and ways to turn customer service into your strategic profit center!

Power Charged for Life: Wells of Greatness
Your internal “Wells of Greatness” are the epicenters from which you internally draw for motivation. This program helps you identify your internal “Wells of Greatness” for continued personal focus and performance while avoiding time spent in the proverbial puddles that distract from the greatness within. This program is a catalyst to improved performance in one’s life.

Performance Driven Selling
This is NOT just another sales program. It was born out of decades of real sales experience. The ideas and techniques are so innovative that they produced an international best-selling book for McGraw-Hill, The Sales Training Handbook. Performance-Driven Selling and The Sales Training Handbook are the resources behind this high energy, performance-driven and entertaining look into selling skill development.

Conflict Resolution
“Resolving Conflicts & Confrontations for Positive Resolution©” is the fundamental aim of this explosive course from which others are benchmarked. In fact, a version of Magee’s course, originally brought to the market by CareerTrack Seminars, has been experienced by tens of thousands of professionals!

Strategic Planning in a Short Term World
This program has never been more important. The days of designing a long-term approach to business and organizational development are long gone.

Team Building/Cross Functional Teams