Michel Edgar


  • Impersonator
  • Look-A-Like

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About Michel Edgar

Take a minute and meet Mark Twain impersonator, Michael Edgar. Ever since he was a young man, he has been told that he bears a very strong resemblance to Mark Twain. Now that he has reached the pinnacle of his resemblance at age 56, he agrees that each day he looks more and more like the well-known author. Michael lives in St, Charles, MO, just a short drive from Hannibal, MO, the childhood home of Mark Twain. On a whim Michael and long term friend Ron decided to attend the annual “Tom Sawyer Days Celebration” in Hannibal. Armed with opinions from friends and family, guarantees of success from some and assurances of failure from others, they decided that a look-a-like adventure would be fun. Ron, with camera, and Michael, clad in a white “borrowed” suit and 10 dollar bow tie, haunted the down town area of Hannibal during the 2008 4th of July festival. They were both totally amazed at the reaction of the tourists and even more by the hundreds of local citizens who said he was remarkably convincing, even though Hannibal has at least two of their very own resident Mark Twain impersonators. Michael naturally resembles Mark Twain more than any other impersonator he has seen. He has also worked on memorizing some of his most famous quotes and working on some snappy dialogue all to achieve success in portraying every aspect of his personality. He feels he could be a very convincing Mark Twain look-a-like, and could greatly enhance your next literary event!