Rick & Eddy’s Rock N’ Roll Oldies Band


  • Musicians
  • Oldies Rock Band

Talent Inquiry

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About Rick & Eddy’s Rock N’ Roll Oldies Band

Hi, my name is James Davis. After years performing as an award-winning singer, percussionist and harmonica player in bands and studios across the USA, I had a vision of a duo that could perform an equal, or even better, show than a band with many more members. To make that dream come true, I was lucky enough, in 1986, to team up with Don Hails, a multi-talented, award-winning musician and singer. With our ability to play multiple instruments, and Don’s knowledge of the latest advancements in musical technology, we were able to form “Rich Eddy’s Rockin’ Oldies Band” (long name, little bitty band-big sound & show). We now enjoy phenomenal success performing 150-200 shows per year in venues across the Midwest (i.e., fairs, festivals, community concerts, library programs, corporate and private parties). We are very proud to have an educational, fun assembly and sock hop show for schools, K-12. How did we come up with the name Rich Eddy’ Well, we thought that Eddy was a real cool name and we idolize the legendary guitarist, Duane Eddy. Rockin Oldies is what we do. We always thought we would love to be rich, hence the name, “Rich Eddy’s Rockin’ Oldies Band”. Please don’t miss the opportunity to book this exciting and entertaining duo. If your venue is looking for a quality, professional and memorable performance for all ages, you can’t go wrong with “Rich Eddy’s Rockin’ Oldies Band”.