Tim Gabrielson


  • Comedian
  • Magician

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About Tim Gabrielson

A native of Minnesota, Tim began performing at a local theme park at age 16. His comedic wit and natural timing combined with magical prowess quickly made him a park favorite. He soon became in-demand nationally for his riveting show combining clean humor and highly-skilled magic. It didn’t take long to gain the attention of agents and producers alike, which landed him fill-in spots for Vegas headliners like Ron Lucas and Mac King before acquiring his own room at The House of Blues in Mandalay Bay on the Vegas Strip. When Tim realized, however, that his humor was touching lives by allowing people to see beyond their immediate hardships, he began infusing his highly-entertaining show with a simple and profound take-away message. His signature message about the power of positive choice and responding rather than reacting blends comedy and breathtaking magic with principles for creating a more meaningful and enthusiastic life’ starting now. Today, Tim is a keynote speaker who blends comedy, magic, and inspirational principles as he presents to corporations and educational groups’equipping them to live with more joy and intentionality. Tim’s journey has been both magical and inspiring. He has entertained hundreds of thousands along the way and come to this realization: It is less about the hour-long entertainment and more about the lifelong influence. He has masterfully crafted his message while sharing tools-of-the-trade for real-life improvements all the while entertaining everyone in attendance.