Tim Gard


  • Time Managment
  • Managment and Professional Training

Talent Inquiry

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About Tim Gard

Now you can harness the awesome power of humor in your personal and professional life. Producing laughter is a skill you can use to benefit yourself as well as others. Besides, it’s fun!

Tim Gard, CSP, nationally recognized humorist and authority on stress reduction through humor, has taught thousands to unlock the power of their own “Comic Vision,” improving their relationships and turning adversity to their advantage. Tim has traveled both nationally and internationally for the past decade, providing his fast-paced, entertaining and informative good-humor seminars to more than 100 groups annually. In fact, his friends in Denver say they have more sightings of Elvis than they do of Tim!

Tim blends his unique experiences as a student, U.S. sailor, state welfare worker/investigator, federal employee, salesman, factory worker and small business owner into a dynamic, hilarious, good humor program you have to see! Tim’s presentations are bursting with interesting and useful information that will help you handle stress in a positive manner, and his “unusual” props drive home the message, making it even more memorable. You haven’t lived until you’ve seen his “nose flute concerto.”


Developing a Comic Vision (Keynote)
In this laugh-a-minute presentation, Tim finds humor almost everywhere. His outrageous stories and unusual toy props help audience members gain a fresh perspective on work and life through the principles of laughter. Discover how to harness humor to instantly reduce stress and renew spirits throughout the day. Perfect as an opening or closing keynote, luncheon, or dinner event.

Leadership … The Tao of Humor (Workshop)
Although almost everyone agrees what a positive impact humor can have at work, when misused, it can have an equally negative effect. In this laughter-filled workshop, discover how Tim’s humor plan can give you the guidelines crucial to harnessing humor as a practical skill. You’ll gain insight on: humor and today’s fast-paced, diverse workplace; how “funny” does not always equal appropriate; and much more. You’ll also learn how to steer clear of the negative humor that may become a source of problems and complaints. Excellent as a workshop, general session, in association with EEO classes, or combined with any other Comic Visions program.

Juggling Stress: Laughter Works (Team Development)
How about a fun, interactive, laugh-out-loud, low-impact team development event? This popular one-hour class helps rediscover and sharpen basic team development skills. Perfect as a separate event or combine with any other Comic Visions program.