Tom Mabe


  • Comedian

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About Tom Mabe

Clean Corporate Comedian Tom Mabe has had four Hit records topping BillBoard’s Comedy Charts and has Appeared on National TV over 150 times. Mabe offers more than your traditional stand up. You may know him from his comedy TV show Mabe In America or someone may have emailed you one of his bits. He’s one of the most downloaded people on the world wide web. From Readers Digest April 2010 Comedian Tom Mabe was a prank prodigy, having executed his first when he was only eight. He had just made a snowman on the front lawn of his Louisville, Kentucky, home when he watched helplessly as teenagers in a car ran over it. He made another, with the same result. The third snowman he built was on a fire hydrant. “There I was with their wrecked car and water gushing out everywhere, and I acted like, Gee, I didn?t think anyone would hit it with his car.” Everyone from Paul Harvey to The New York Times has proclaimed Comedian and Speaker Tom Mabe a Comic superhero for tackling pesky telmarketers, junk email, bad customer service and other topics that irk us all. Tom’s act includes Hilarious stories, original songs and gut busting video.